Please fill in the details below :
NRIC / Passport
Enter One Of Your Identifications Either New ID No. Or Army No. Or Police No. Or Passport No.
Please enter NRIC without dash (-). Example: 99090203xxxx
Applicant Name
Enter the Same Name as on Your Identification Document.
Please enter a valid email. If an email already exists, please contact the system Admin for further action.
Phone No. (H)
Please Enter Mobile No.
Enter Only Number Without Dash. Example of Mobile Phone No. 01XXXXXXXX
Phone No. (R/O)
Please Enter Either Office Phone No. Or Home Phone No.
Enter Only Numbers Without Dash. Example of Home Tel No. 03XXXXXXXX
Fax No.
Please Enter Fax No. if any.
Enter Only Number Without Dash. Example Fax No. 03XXXXXXXX
Copy of NRIC
Please Upload a Copy of Your Identity Card for Verification Purposes. Allowed files are .pdf, .png, .jpg
Choose File
Change File
Maximum file size 10MB.
Allowed File Types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .docx, .doc
I acknowledge that all information provided is true. If the information is found to be false, I may be subject to legal action and my application will be canceled.
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